One of the first orders of business in our new home, other than Mrs. TBF starting her job, is to find a place to live. Right now, we're living in a company provided apartment, but eventually we'll move into our own home - hopefully before the 60 days of company-paid-for apartment living turns into us-paying-for apartment living.
Overall, the apartment isn't too bad.
So, while Mrs. TBF has cut her teeth at her new company, I have been going around with two real estate agents - one in CT, and one in NY - trying to narrow down the list of potential homes we've compiled over the past couple of months.
Let me tell ya, it's no easy task.
First of all, it's a real buyers market out there. That means that there are tons of homes to choose from. Secondly, I've liked A LOT of the homes I've seen in both CT and NY, and it's hard to choose between the two states.
The Connecticut homes I've seen tend to be sprawling homes on large wooded lots and a 15-20 minute commute to Mrs. TBF's office. The New York homes (Mrs. TBF's office is right on the border between the two states), while being only 5-10 minutes from the office and White Plains shopping, are more suburban and the taxes are much higher.
Do we go with a little less convenience and lower taxes, or do we go with ultra-convenient and high taxes? As I said, I've liked the actual homes in both states.
So far, I've looked at the homes without Mrs. TBF, and I've managed to cut the list down to three potential homes in New York, and six potential homes in Connecticut. In about half an hour, I'm going to pick up Mrs. TBF at the office, and we'll go look at the NY finalists. Tomorrow, we'll head off to CT at 9:30 in the morning to look at the CT finalists.
Oh... and let me back up a bit by saying that we originally thought that we'd rent for a year, decide where we wanted to live, and then buy a house. Then, given the buyers' market and low interest rates, we decided that it was best to buy a place right away. At first, we thought we wanted a small condo or townhouse, and then we changed our minds and decided that we'd go for a smallish home. Now, we're pretty much looking at homes that are WAAAAAAAAAY larger than we need with properties that will require me buying a rider mower or hiring a landscape crew.
What the hell happened????
We're hoping that we're saying "and then there was one" in the not-too-distant future.