Tuesday, March 08, 2005

The Snowtime Trilogy is complete...

I had the third and final installment of the Snowtime Specials in the parking lot of Johannes Hakkaart's (that's what my receipt says) McDonalds in Füllinsdorf this afternoon while listening to the CD Mütter by Rammstein (ahhhhhhh...there's nothing like listening to some relaxing music while enjoying good healthy food!). Now that I think about it, I've probably eaten at McDonalds in the last three weeks almost as much as I have in the previous four years combined.
Anyway, this week's special is the Fondue Special. It's basically a Quarter Pounder with Cheese with a bunch of fondue cheese glopped on top and a special sauce which kind of tasted like yellow mustard. The bun was kind of like a sourdough bun, but I couldn't really pin down what it was exactly.
The verdict???? Damn good! Although, it didn't match the knee-buckling euphoria of the Rösti special. So, I'd have to rate them as follows: (1) Rösti Special (2) Fondue Special (3) Triple Cheese Special.
Also, I have to point out how expensive McDonalds is in Switzerland. Since my stomach was really growling while running errands today, I decided to go "Large" on my Menu (Value Meal). The cost??? 13.90 Swiss Francs which comes out to about $12.00 U.S.!!!! For a value meal!!!!! My receipt says: WIR FREUEN UNS AUF IHREN NÄCHSTEN BESUCH (We look forward to your next visit). Twelve bucks for a Value Meal??? At those prices, I'd certainly hope so!

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