The bro-in-law and sis-in-law are on their way back to Chicago after their (nearly) two-week stay. We took a taxi with them to the airport this morning, saw them off, took the airport bus back to the train station, and then walked from the train station back to our apartment. And that was a good thing because...
...I'm needing the exercise!
Let's just say that I gained a couple...ahem...ok...pretty many pounds over the past three weeks. I guess that was to be expected after eating like a pig in Chicago for a week, coming home and eating like a pig at our Cinco de Mayo party, followed by eating like a pig in Italy for five days, and then coming home and eating like a pig for a few days after that.
Notice a pattern there?
Also, I only managed to pull myself out of the pig pen and to the gym a couple of times between feedings over the past month. Hmmm...
Eating like a pig and not exercising causes one to gain weight? WHO KNEW????
I've already been to the gym a couple of times this week, but today it's back to counting points.
...and not a moment too soon!
So you mean, if we'd see you right now, we'd be confronted with a BIG Big Finn?? Pity. While you count points, we'll BBQ-ing (read: Pigging-out) a LOT this weekend!
haha - I just can't stop laughing at Cs's comment... But I know what pigging out does to that waist line.. experienced that when I moved to switzerland...
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