Friday, October 17, 2008

Another Step Closer To The Urn...

...or is it farther?

I brought King in for his annual check-up this past Wednesday. All in all, this trip to Dr. Boozer's office was rather uneventful; unlike last year when he dropped a bomb in his crate just before returning home.

Dr. Boozer gave King a blood test, and I called yesterday morning for the results and...


Sheesh! I mean, I'm not hoping that King dies a horrible death or anything, but...


OK...I guess I fudged that a bit. He does continue to have his thyroid at least there's hope for his demise at some point in the next decade (Did I say that out loud?), but Dr. Boozer had to send some blood to a lab for that test so I didn't get the results until today. And...the verdict?

I need to up his thyroid medicine...or maybe I won't...Mwaaaaah-ha-haaaaa (STOP THAT!)!

Great! Not only is the beast going to live forever, but...he's going to begin costing us even MORE money than he does now. I had just calculated that he costs us CHF 135 (about $115) per month just for food, medicine, and kitty litter. If you add in the visits to the vet...jeez...I don't even want to think about it. Doesn't he know that there's an economic crisis goin' on, for Chris'sake?

That crisis thing's still going on, right?


CanadianSwiss said...

Yep. I sure know where you're comin' from, although Dale's almost a junior compared to King. Plus, we don't have any meds to give him (yet).

I think we have to start taking Dale to the vet more regularly, though.

Dale the Cat said...

Hey, you two! Watch whatcha sayin' about us. I'm not sure I want regular visits to Dr. Boozer's. Last time I was there, he stuck a few needles in me AND a thermometer up my *ss! *Hiiisssss*

PS: Long live the King. Four claws up, my Man! He'll over live YOU, TBF!!! Mwaaa-ha-haaa!!!!(Did I just say that??)

christina said...

Hey, wait just a minute there - I got thyroid issues and I'm still here after 45 years! :-)

But yeah, 20.5 years is ancient for a cat.

The DP said...

You know, the world's oldest cat was like 34. Maybe it is time to change your perspective and start thinking of King as training for the oldest cat world record. He has a couple years to go.

The Big Finn said...

christina - You have a long way to go. 20.5 years for a cat is about the same as a human being 100 years old.

dp - I don't even want to think about how crabby King would be in 14 years.

Diane Mandy said...

Does King not know that Elvis left the building already?