Monday, February 12, 2007

Sick Day...

...times two!

King and I are both sick today. I began feeling flu-like yesterday morning ("...feed a cold, and feed a fever, right?"). This morning, I woke up (with the chills) to the sound of King throwing up what I thought was a hairball. Then, Mrs. TBF informed me that there were little drips of kitty diarrhea all over the house.


I have to say that since we adopted King back in 1991, he has rarely been sick. As a matter of fact, I don't recall him every being sick other than having to have an injection to clear the fur out of his digestive track.

So, I jumped out of the warm bed and started the fun task of going around the apartment wiping up all the little "chocolate" drips (...thank God for tile floors). King was kind of following me around, and he would stop from time to time and look as if he was going to...poo on the floor right next to me!!!


Now, King is normally one of the greatest litter box users in the history of all felines, so this abnormal behavior kind of startled me. I picked up the phone, called Dr. Buser, and got an appointment for 10:00 a.m.

It turns out that King has a bacterial infection. Dr. Buser gave King an antibiotic injection, AND an injection that stops his digestive track working for eight hours; apparently, this was to stop "the beast" from launching from both ends. Also, I'm not supposed to feed him for 24 hours, and he's only supposed to have 1 teaspoon of water at a time.

...good grief! How the Hell am I supposed to do that?

As I was loading King back into his crate, Dr. Buser told me "...zat zee wirus can NOT be transmeetted from zee cat to you, but zee bacteria CAN make you seek eef you do not take extra care by sanitising everyseeng!"


The worst part, after we got home, was that I had to go around (while sick) and sanitize the floor with bleach and wash a bunch of rugs and our duvet cover (...not a pretty sight!) while King...just slept on the warm tile floor in the bathroom.

It's raining sideways outside right now...

There's not enough food in the fridge for dinner...

I have to go to the grocery store in my weakened state...

Oh, woe is me!


Jul said...

I feel your pain on the groceries - I've been putting them off all day hoping that the sideways rain will break. But.... at least my house is kitty-poo-free!

Hope you feel better soon.

The DP said...

Well the real test is whether or not Mrs TBF allows you to be sick today, and does in fact agree that you are unwell. Don't mind me, I'm still bitter about my job.

Kirk said...

Did Dr. Buser at least offer you an antibiotic injection also? Seems like that would have been the civilised thing to do...

CanadianSwiss said...

Luckily you had a wake-up call. Otherwise, you would have had to order pizza, or something.

Hope you both feel better soon.

Unknown said...

Hope you guys are feeling better soon, but I feel your pain... It's never fun to have to do that crap when you are sick!

Anonymous said...

Aww, poor creature. My cat had similar stuff going on and I had to limit his movement to just one room or he would have pooped all over. the hardest part was keeping him away from food...
Btw, cool blog. (Y)

Anonymous said...

Dis just aint right. Next time you lick your bum and cough up a hair ball, remind me to broadcast it to everyone. Youse are gonna feel my wrat(wrath)!