Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Jolly Green Giant Lost In Kyoto...

On a drizzly and very humid morning, we took in another "Japanese" garden, and then we set off on something called the Philosophers' Walk.

It soon became obvious that the walk was geared toward little people. Constantly avoiding the low branches caused me to become a little disoriented. As I was the guide, I soon discovered that I was responsible for having gotten us lost.

Then...suddenly...a little voice inside my head said:

...follow the schoolgirls!


christina said...

Never underestimate the power of a pair of white kneesocks! ;-) You ARE a bad, bad man. But we like you anyway.

Michael Lehet said...


Molly said...

I just know you are cut out of the same cloth as my good friend Joe from Arizona. Whenever he comes down to Mexico to visit he always wants to shop around the time school lets out. Pleated plaid skirts. 'Nuff said.

The DP said...

ok but i must ask, did you wear green on purpose?

The Big Finn said...

dp - No. I thought of the title for the post after seeing the picture.

Kirk said...

I'm pretty sure I read somewhere about clubs in Tokyo where the waitresses dress in fantasy-wear, including schoolgirl outfits...