Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A Rude Awakening!

I woke up this morning to what sounded like a 747 about to land in our bedroom - according to Mrs. TBF's alarm clock, it was 5:22 a.m.

One question: Why would an alarm clock manufacturer make the numbers so dim that it's nearly impossible to see them even in a dark room? Just wondering...

Anyway, getting back to the plane...

I thought that planes weren't allowed to land at Basel's EuroAirport between midnight and 6 a.m. But I guess I was wrong. A quick look at the EuroAirport Daily Flight Plan - Arrivals webpage (OK...geeky to some, but of great interest to us), informed me - much to my surprise - that a number of (mostly) cargo planes land regularly between 5 & 6 a.m. And, it looks like the culprit was a FEDEX cargo plane (FX5083) arriving from Paris with a landing time of 5:27 a.m.


I have to say that I've never been woken up before by a plane landing at EuroAirport this early in the morning. What I'm wondering: is this something new? How could I possibly have never heard these early flights before? The noise was so loud that Mrs. TBF had to get up and close our bedroom window. Seriously, this plane flew only a few thousand feet right over our apartment!

I guess Mrs. TBF is going to have to begin getting up right before 5 a.m. every morning from now on in order to close the window. I mean, I'd do it, but the window's on her side of the bed. So, it...

...officially counts as her responsibility.


CanadianSwiss said...

I've heard of a lot of people complain about these early cargo flights, although most of them were much closer (Allschwil) to the airport. A change of route, maybe?


I used to live right under the flight path (landing) of the San Diego airport (Lindburg Field)... It wasn't sooo bad, but when there was bad weather the bad, they'd take off in the opposite direction which was WAY louder...

islandgirl4ever2 said...

Cupcake Princesse is me---

islandgirl4ever2 said...

Cupcake Princesse is me---

Michael Lehet said...

Wait, you can't do laundry on a Sunday but they can land planes before 6AM?!? That doesn't sound right to me.

The Big Finn said...

michael - I have a secret: We're not supposed to do laundry on Sunday, but...I STILL DO!!!!

Unknown said...

I used to hear them come over my place in Village Neuf (just outside of St. Louis).. They were very loud at times also...

The Sour Kraut said...

My alarm clock shines like a beacon even at it's lowest setting. I have to sleep with it off and turn it on to see what time it is throughout the night. WTF?

The Big Finn said...

tsk - For some reason, our alarm clock doesn't have a light setting. Or, if it does, I sure as heck can't find it.