Friday, June 10, 2005

Military precision...

I have a very strict schedult today to which I must adhere. It started out this morning with Mrs. TBF and I going to Geant (How the heck do type French letters on a PowerBook? I have to figure that one out!) in France to do a bit of grocery shopping. We're only allowed to bring 500g of duty-free meat per person back into Switzerland, so we needed two bodies in the car so we could bring back 1 kg.
I dropped Mrs. TBF off at the office and then I headed back home to unload the groceries. I was going to unload the groceries and then head over to Lang (a butcher shop), but I saw a parking spot right in front of the shop, so I parked my car and went in to buy seven racks of lamb. Incidentally, while I was at Lang, I noticed that they have USDA ribeye steaks for...get this...7.50 CHF per 100g. That comes out to about $27.00 U.S. per pound! I used to eat a 1.5 lb. ribeye steak just about every week right before we moved to Switzerland. That same ribeye here in Binningen would cost me $40.00 U.S.! I think I'll save the money and just fly to the U.S. every few months and gorge on steak while I'm there.
After returning home, I unpacked the groceries, ate a little bit of late breakfast, and now I'm going to pack my bag and head off to the gym right after I finish blogging.
After the gym, I'll go down the street to the Asian Market and pick up some frozen lump crabmeat that Mrs. TBF needs for a recipe on Sunday, and then it's back home to finish up yesterday's house cleaning marathon.
Tom's in town. So, he'll arrive this evening, we'll have some dinner, and then he's going to spend a couple of nights at chez M. et Mme. TBF's house.
It's 11:29. I allowed myself blogging time until 11:30. Ciao!

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