I haven't been keeping up with the news in Finland lately, so I thought I'd change things this morning by checking the Helsingin Sanomat - International Edition. Imagine my surprise when I found out that it is closed...FOR THE WHOLE MONTH OF JULY!! When I clicked on the link, I eventually came to this picture which had the caption: Time to take a break and go to sauna and to the lake.
Ahhhh...we Finns sure love to walk around naked! I have to say that I've never seen any bare bottoms on any other newspaper's website.
Of course, the Suomeksi (in Finnish) version is still up and running. But, who has time to read all those long Finnish words? Certainly not me! Sample:
Äänestä parasta asuntomessukylppäriä tai lähetä kuva omasta kylpyhuoneestasi.
Which means (I think) - Nominate the best apartment bathrooms or send a picture of your own bathroom (not really sure what asuntomessu means).
Just typing all those umlauts has me exhausted...
Time to take a break and go to kitchen where breakfast I'll make...
there is some German newspaper which features close up of nude breasts on their web page (daily i think??) but it isn't bare bottoms :)
Asuntomessu is the big house expo held every year in Finland. And the rest was entirely correct. Your finnish is still alive and kicking.
And nude butts beats breasts anytime!
Sara - Ahhhh....those crazy Germans!
Tobias - I thought "messu" was probably like "messe" in German (which it is), but I wasn't sure. I can speak Finnish pretty well, but I'm not that good at reading and writing it (especially when it comes to words I've never heard before).
Writing Finnish is hell, especially as all Finns cheer you on, exclaiming how "remarkably easy" it is to spell Finnish. Ehm. Yeah. Right.
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