I was riding the bus to the grocery store in town today, and a man got on the bus a couple of stops after I got on. It was warm today, and he was wearing hiking boots, long pants, a t-shirt under a long-sleeved shirt, a safari vest (What's with these safari vests, anyway?), dark-tinted glass, a scowl, and a black baseball cap. I looked him over, and I immediately sensed...COP! Yes...YES! He was definitely a tram/bus inspector.
He was a sneaky one. He just sat there for a few stops, and then he stood up, announced that he was
Polizei ( I KNEW IT!), and asked me for my bus ticket. I showed him my annual pass and photo I.D., and then he moved on through the bus, one person at a time, until he came across a
Schwarz Fahrer...who hadn't bought a ticket for his dog (they ride half-fare). That's what they call people here who ride the public transportation without tickets - "black riders".
My annual bus/tram pass costs CHF 670. That means that I used just over 335 francs of it without ever being inspected. The fine, if you're caught by one of the random inspectors, is...get this...80 or 100 francs (not sure) if you pay immediately on the bus/tram, and an additional 20 francs if you don't have enough money on you and they have to send you an invoice. Really! I'm not joking! They actually give you a discount for paying on the spot!
Being an honest, law-abiding foreigner, I would never dream of trying to cheat the system. Sure, I'd probably come out ahead if I did because I've never been inspected more than 3-4 times in a year. If you add it up, I'd only be out of pocket about 300 - 400 francs instead of 670. But it's just not worth it to me. Why?
BECAUSE HAVING TO SIT THERE AND LISTEN TO THE LECTURE WOULD MORE THAN OFFSET ANY SAVINGS!That's what these guys do. They take the "black rider's" I.D., start writing the ticket, and then proceed to lecture him/her in front of the other passengers about why what they are doing is wrong, and why they shouldn't do it.
I'm sorry, but I just don't know how to say, "...spare me the lecture, 'cuz TBF ain't listenin'!" in Swiss-German (or even in high-German, for that matter). More importantly, I also don't know an attorney here who would be able to bail me out of jail. Although, I've always contended that...Swiss jails can't be that bad.
I mean, Swiss jails are probably clean and safe, right? Swiss men are, for the most part, pretty tiny, so I wouldn't have to worry about picking up the soap in the shower. As a matter of fact, I'd probably be the biggest bad-ass in the entire Swiss prison system. I'm sure the food is pretty decent, so three decent hots and a cot...
Ok...I'll just keep buying the annual pass. I'm going to shut up now.