Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Four years in Switzerland...and counting!

Just a quick note to point out that it was four years ago today that Dominique, King, and I arrived in Switzerland. Mrs. TBF had already been here for about 2½ months, but I stayed behind to sell the house and take care of loose ends. As a matter of fact, I think it was four years ago at this moment that we were all driving from Zurich Aiport to our home in Reinach. I was totally exhausted. When we made it home, we let King out of his crate and he made a bee-line for the litter box, I walked Dominique so that she could check out the Swiss pee-mail (Mrs. TBF coined that term. Damn! It's so should have been mine!!!), and then Dominique and I collapsed on a futon mattress on the floor (our furniture did not arrive until three days later). Mrs. TBF either went back to the office for a little while, or to the grocery store (or both) - it's all quite hazy now. Later that day we ate some sausages off of paper plates on a cardboard box that was in the middle of our empty living room. Ahhhhh, memories!

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