'Tis the season for feeding the birds. Much to the chagrin (I'm sure) of our downstairs neighbors, we set up
a bird feeder on our balcony during the cold months so that our little winged friends don't starve. Also, another reason we do it is to provide King with some entertainment - we call it "kitty cable". King just sits at the window, watches the birds, and goes about making strange noises...mesmerized! He'll be twice as mesmerized this year as we've added
a suet feeder channel to his cable subscription.
The reason I think our neighbors don't like our bird feeder is because the birds make an awful mess. I end up having to sweep/vacuum up the huge amount of seed shells/mess that ends up on our balcony, and that wouldn't be so bad if it was just a mess on OUR balcony. However, I've begun to notice the seeds on the walkway leading up to our building, so I'm sure that the seeds are also ending up on the balconies of the people who live below us too. I kind of feel bad...um...
Oh...who am I kidding? As long as the neighbors aren't complaining, I don't give a rip!

Earlier this week, I noticed that we were running low on birdseed, so I picked up a bag at the local grocery store, brought it home, and noticed for the first time ever that
our birdseed mix contains hemp seed. Is this legal? Obviously it is here. But...would this be legal in the U.S.?
I guess I should hold off on feeding the birds for a few days before any trip to the U.S.; wouldn't want to end up being surrounded by drug-sniffing dogs at O'Hare Airport.
yes and here in Canada many Vegans eat hemp seed as a normal stable part of their diet, it contains protein and is a great source of food... We have it here in grocery stores everywhere for people....
I think it is a great thing you are doing, but yes it is way too messy!
Hey TBF...
The trees look white!! Do you guys have snow?!
Leesa - It's been snowing for the past 24 hours. We must have gotten at least 4 inches.
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