Sam, Alie, and Oliver (John & Rammy's son) are all good kids. They're well-mannered, converse well with adults, and (for the most part) are enjoyable kids to have around. Sure, I need to threaten them with a "...don't make me have to come over there and thump ya!" every now and then, but...kids will be kids.
Let me tell you something - these kids live THE LIFE! Andy and I always blurt out "THEY'RE LIVIN' THE DREAM!" everytime we're out for dinner and the kids order something like foie gras or a mille-feuille. I've actually witnessed one of the kids taking a sip of wine from their parent's glass and then commenting with a "...hmmm...oak". My God...the only "oak" I tasted as a kid was when oak splinters flew into my mouth while I was chopping it!
Now, Andy and I both had pretty darned good childhoods, but we do try to point out to the kids (every chance we get) how "cushy" they have it. I say things to Olli like: "You know, when I was fourteen - one year older than you are right now - I had a summer job working in a factory nine hours per day!" He cares not. Andy and I will point out to Sam and Alie that "...when we were kids, going out to eat was only for special occasions like birthdays, and it was something you did only a few times per year." Their response: "Were you poor?" We try to explain that we weren't poor, but it's just that times have changed... By this point, they're questioning the waiter whether or not an amuse-bouche will be served, so...why beat our heads against the wall? So, getting back to Sam...
As I pointed out before, we flew easyJet to Liverpool this past weekend. For those of you who don't know, easyJet does not pre-assign seats. Check-in opens two hours before the flight. If you check in early, you'll be assigned an "A" boarding card. If you check in at the last minute, you'll be given a "D" boarding card. When it comes time to board the plane, the boarding is in order by groups - A, B, C, D. So, Sam and Andy were just ahead of us in line (By the way, Andy got the "...do you have any sharp objects, etc. in your carry-on..." blah...blah...blah, to which he answered "no", and then Sam blurted out: "How does she know if you're telling the truth or not?"...the kid kills me!). After checking in, Andy turned around and lorded over us that he got "pre-boarding" so he could board first because he was traveling with a kid. I was immediately incredibly envious and took out my frustration on the loitering Sammy as I walked up to the counter by telling him to "amscray" so that I could check in. This ended up being a stroke of luck, because the check-in lady asked me, "Are you with them?" "Um...yes," I responded, and we ended up receiving "pre-boarding" even though the "Saminator" isn't our kid.
Way to go Samalamadingdongdillyofadinger! Maybe we'll rent you the next time we're flying somewhere on easyJet!