Now, it doesn't have to be a huge buffet breakfast - although that's my preference. Let me tell you, there's nothing better as far as I'm concerned as coming back to our breakfast table with the contents of every chafing dish on the buffet table stacked on my plate resembling either the Eiffel Tower or the Great Pyramids (depending what kind of mood I'm in). So when I saw that our hotel in Corsica had no buffet breakfast, I just gave it a c'est la vie and decided I'd go a la carte (Damn those French lessons paid off!).
I saw that they offered a "continental breakfast", but I decided to take a pass. At 25 Euros, it seemed kind of expensive for coffee, orange juice, a bread basket, and maybe a couple of other things like preserves, etc. I began to peruse the a la carte offerings, and that's when I saw it: freshly squeezed orange juice: 7.50 Euros.
I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It had to be some kind of mistake. I looked at the rest of the menu - an omelette was 8 Euros, scrambled eggs and bacon were 9 Euros, a pot of coffee was 5 Euros. I looked around at the other tables. I thought that maybe people would have a liter pitcher of OJ on the table, but NO! It was just a regular little juice glass FOR 7.50 EUROS!!!!! It took every muscle fiber in my body to avoid being like Captain Kirk in the scene from the Star Trek movie where his whole body begins to tremble, and then he just yells out "KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHNNNNN!"
I started saying things like "It's SHITE like this really FARKS with my mind!", and other muttered verbal lashings that are still echoing somewhere in the valleys of Corsica. I seem to recall using the word "extortion" at some point. I might have wished eternal hell on the Corsicans at some point. Perhaps a curse was attempted - I'm not really sure. I suddenly became aware of the fact that it was at this point that Mrs. TBF began speaking to me in an unemotional monotone as if she were a hostage negotiator speaking to a terrorist. "", she said. ""
