I've been saying for some time now that I'd like to taste mother's milk.
Yes! I'm talking HUMAN mother's milk! Are you...grossed out?
I think I've only watched a handful of Friends episodes, but I once saw one where Ross freaked out when one of the other friends tested the temperature of a baby bottle by splashing a little breast milk on his/her wrist and then licking it off. It was at that moment that I realized that I had not tasted mother's milk since I was a wee little Big Finn. I figured that...
...I gotta get me some!
I'm not really sure why I suddenly got the craving. Perhaps I wanted to see if the taste would trigger a taste memory (like a great bottle of wine) from 40+ years ago. Who knows?
I actually mentioned it to a couple of pregnant friends (naturally, with Mrs. TBF present) of ours over the years, and I was FLATLY rejected. Of course, I explained that I didn't need to taste it directly from the "tap", but I was still banished from getting anywhere near the sacred mommy fun bags.
Did I call them mommy fun bags when I asked? Hmmm....maybe that was the problem!
About a year ago, I determined that I had probably blown my last good chance. As I was playing with my two-year-old niece, I suddenly realized that I could have asked my sister for a spoonful and she POSSIBLY would have obliged just to get me off her back. Oh, I can be VERY persistent.
A couple of years too late. What a bummer!

But, alas, I guess it's not meant to be...
...this time!
* Oh...my...GAWD! I just noticed that the title of the article is: Breast Milk Menu Too Titillating For Diners. Is that...Swiss...humor? OMG! Stop the presses! Swiss humor!!!!!!!
Um, ew?
Uhm...yeah....oh....ok....I gotta go.....
Hmm.... That ISSSSS very gross and WEIRD-- but hey, TBF--- If anyone were to right about this topic, it would HAVE to be you.. right?!! hehehehe.... I am going to send this post to some of my friends.. They'll get a kick out of it!
Hey-- Do you think the resto that was servin' up mummie's milk also served the choco version- Swiss Miss hot chocolate with mummie's milk and mini-marshmallow's--- Just a thought..
leesa - We'll never know. The food inspectors shut him down before he even had the chance.
Oh... Tant pis!! But, it must have tasted better than the curdled milk I drank tonight!! Yuck.. come over and check out the image I put up on the post.... It makes you want to HURL!!!!!!!
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