Thursday, January 28, 2010

Almost Forgot...

With all the sickness in the apartment over this past week, I almost forgot that this past weekend marked the 5-year anniversary of us moving into our apartment.

I'm tellin' ya, I never thought we'd live in this apartment for five years. In fact, when we moved in, we signed a two-year lease and I had doubts about making it through two years.

I guess I was wrong about that one.

Will we make it to six? Maybe... but let me qualify that.

If we're still here next January, we'll definitely be on our way out. We've decided, and Mrs. TBF has already told her bosses at work that this will be our last year in Switzerland. One way or another - either moving back with the company, or giving notice and moving back at our own expense - we'll be moving back to the U.S. in the not-too-distant future.

Here's to hoping it's sooner rather than later.


Rrraj said...

Oh no.. wait, wait! I haven't met you guys in person yet. Now you definitely need to visit fatherland.

Unknown said...

In some ways I'm sad for that, but I'm sure there are many people who would love to take your apartment upon your departure!

I'm curious to know what your next adventure will be...