...you have found The Big Finn!
I like to go to Blog Patrol every now and then to see who's looking at the blog. I think Blog Patrol is pretty cool. I can pretty much tell who's looking, which country they're from, which search engine they use, etc. However, my favorite part of Blog Patrol is looking at the keywords that changed people's lives forever by putting them in touch with The Big Finn. Ok...so maybe it's not quite like that, but I still like looking at the keywords. Here are a few of my favorites from recent days...
feline laxative - Somebody obviously has a cat with a hairball problem.
A Google search for feline laxative turns up a link to this blog entry from August, 2005. King was in the midst of a hairball episode which resulted in me having to go to Dr. Buser's office to pick up some feline laxative. I kind of forgot about the fact that I actually tasted the feline laxative in the car on the way home. It wasn't too bad!
horse meat allergy - I guess if one has to have an allergy, then this one isn't too bad of an allergy to have.
This Google keyword search brings us all the way back to July, 2004 when Mrs. TBF and I went to the BIS Bank Sports Club for dinner with a group of friends. Andy and I ordered horse meat Stroganoff. Yes, we ate horse meat. However, there's no mention of any allergy.
wearing a bra makes me sweat profusely - Umm...I'm sorry...I'm not really sure how to help you. Ummm....don't wear one?
I can't really tell what this search links to. Perhaps it's a combination of this entry from last August where I talked about the cow in Finland I saw wearing a bra, plus other entries from that month when I'm sure I was probably sweating profusely at some point.
Sauerkraut Saft - Yesterday, somebody in Germany obviously got a craving for some Sauerkraut juice. Those Germans really know how to live, don't they?
We're going back to February, 2005 here when I wrote about coming across sauerkraut juice at the local Coop. I still haven't built up the courage to try it, so the taste remains a great mystery to yours truly. My favorite part of this entry was the urgent comment from somebody named Thimble: "...do not be afraid to say NO to sauerkraut juice, dood, it's nasty."
...words of wisdom from an anonymous blogging friend...
Auran sinappi and mustard, finnish mustard, Turun sinappi - Ahhh, yes...the Finnish mustard controversy.
Believe it or not, there are a lot of people out there researching Finnish mustard on the internet. These keywords (plus other variations) are BY FAR the most common keywords which link people up to The Big Finn's Big Blog! It goes back to this entry where I talk about the big controversy between the two mustards. Apparently, Turun Sinappi is now owned by Unilever of Sweden which means that many Finns now use Auran Sinappi because it is Finnish owned. Sorry Finns...I like the Turun Sinappi better.
How did YOU find The Big Finn's Big Blog?
Actually, we found you in our house (in our laundy room, to be precise) before we found out you had a blog. I guess you'd have to blame Jarl; he's the one who sent us your link ;-)
Thanks to a comment from you, I got a blog hit the other day from a google search for "zurich meter long sausage". Hope they found what they needed...
I have no idea how I found TBF - must have been through the Swiss blog mafia.
I found you rather entertaining, and therefore I keep coming back...
Through your emails when you started it.
Haha - I'm laughing. I actually know where the "sweating profusely" link might have come from. Do you remember you were talking about your natural stone deoderant? And you sent a few links to what you used. That's where that came from ...
But yeah very strange. Another funny thing is that although CS and I can't totally prove it, we think we've met and shaken hands in person back in 2004.
I think I found you either via Ms Mac or Expatter or ExpatTraveler.
I have to try Finnish mustard. I am already sold on the random pine sap bonbons (even my sister in law wanted some, and took part of my stash)
Found you through Expatter and Ms.Mac. Ms Mac is a friend. Spent time together with her when we were expats. Kathy
I found you through Juile, who I am embarassed to admit I met through a wedding website. We like to pretend it was for someother reason.
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