Yeah, I guess eight pounds sounds like a lot of weight to gain in a short amount of time. However, it still doesn't come anywhere near my personal weight gain record of 20 POUNDS IN 2 WEEKS in November, 1997 when Mrs. TBF and I celebrated our tenth wedding anniversary in Hawai'i. Damn those breakfast buffets!
Now that I'm thinking about it, I guess I did consume quite a few high calorie goodies during my trip, including: ribs, bacon-cheddar hamburgers, combo sandwich, french fries, deep-fried mushrooms, fried calamari, liver and onions, Chicago hot dog (no ketchup, of course!), chips, Doritos, Fritos, polish sausage with grilled onions, trick or treat candy, ribeye steak smothered in gorgonzola cheese, Dunkin' Donuts buttermilk donut, chile rellenos, corned beef hash, beef brisket sandwich, sushi, pot roast, pizza...I'm sure I'm forgetting some things...but, you get the picture.
I'm thinking that the cold weather in Chicago triggered some kind of instinct to add an insulating layer of blubber, because...I'M A MAMMAL DAMMIT!!! Hmmmm...I also decided to begin growing a winter beard on my last day there...I guess there's more to this mammalian instinct than I thought.
Anyway, we fortunately have this modern invention at our apartment here in Basel known as radiant heat. Therefore, I'm thinking that the blubber layer is unnecessary, and (hoping) that I'll be back down to fighting weight in the next couple of weeks or so. Although, it's going to be a bit of a challenge seeing that we're going to friends' houses for dinner tonight, tommorow night, and...we're going to Paris for a couple of nights next weekend.
Yes, the blubber's going to come off, but the beard is going to stay. The razor is getting a break for a few months, but I'm needing to make "happy time" with the elliptical trainer this coming week!
"ribs, bacon-cheddar hamburgers, combo sandwich, ...liver and onions, Chicago hot dog (no ketchup, of course!), ...polish sausage with grilled onions,...Dunkin' Donuts buttermilk donut, chile rellenos,...beef brisket sandwich[.]"
Yoooooooou bastard! Did you write this post for the *sole* purpose of disrupting my sleep-pattern?
I *will* get my revenge, TBF. And that revenge will include, but not be limited to, a big greasy gyros from Chicago's Greektown.
Just you wait. Just you wait...
You had my mouth watering until I read liver - the it started again at the thought of ribeye steak smothered in Gorgonzola sauce. So what's on a Chicago hotdog? (Sorry, haven't been there, yet)
Sal - I skipped the gyros because I can get 'em in Basel. Oh, and I forgot to mention...pumpkin cheesecake and Goose Island Beer! Na, na, na, na, naaaaaaaaa!
CS- Here's what's on a Chicago hot dog (100% all beef hot dog on a poppy seed bun): diced onion, tomato wedges, pickle relish, yellow mustard, sport peppers (hot), dill pickle spear, a shake of celery salt. NEVER...EVER...ketchup. If you ask for it, they'll ask you where you're from before you're ridiculed and told "no ketchup", or you'll be told that "da ketchup's over dere, and you can puddit on yerself if you wannit!"
I am dyin' here! The martini and Ruffles picture is simply killing me with how fabulous it is!
That sounds really great. And I don't need ketchup on my hotdogs so at least, I won't be making a fool out of myself.
Ok - that pumpkin cheesecake sounds awesome but most everything else I can totally pass on... I guess I'm used to a pretty healthy habit... But I must get in chocolate...
You still look great in your pics! I'm sure you'll be back down fast..
Ah Paris...
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