Mrs. TBF: Don't get too excited. I'm not ready to get another dog...yet.
The trip has been going well. I've seen a lot of friends and relatives, a combo sammich has been consumed, my first U.S. steak of the trip was inhaled last night, some new clothes have been purchased, etc.
I'm in the actual city of Chicago right now about one mile west of Wrigley Field (home of the Chicago Cubs baseball team for those of you who don't follow American sports). This afternoon, I'm going to drive a couple of miles to meet up with...well, it's a surprise. This evening...dinner at Hooter's with my sister and her family. I go there for the wings....HONEST!
Mrs. TBF has returned from Kuala Lumpur, and she's back in Basel. Tomorrow morning, she leaves for the U.S. We'll be on the same continent again, but our paths will not cross. I'll arrive back in Basel on Wednesday, and she'll arrive back in Basel on Thursday. I wish she was here.
In the meantime, I'm snuggling with Ari, and Mrs. TBF is snuggling with King. I guess that'll have to do for now.
Please let Michael know that we say hello! ;-).
BTW wanna go somewhere for Monday Night Football?
TMS - Too late, we parted ways two hours ago.
Re: MNF...Sure! How about your house?
sounds like the life of a retired traveler... But yes I guess missing your loved one is hard...
I miss you too TBF. I landed in Newark, but my checked bag didn't. It's still over the Atlantic on the next flight from London and i should have it by about 8PM tonight. Oh well...at least I packed an extra change of clothes and I've already showered and feel better. Talk to you later.
You two are so adorable! I also miss Orange when he's on the road a lot. The coming weeks will be tough for us also, as he'll be away most of the time. We know how you feel. Oh well I'll be cuddling Dale a bit more :-)
TBF, sorry we missed you this time. I think you kind of know what is going on, but I am sorry nonetheless (word sp? any hyphens?) I hope you enjoyed your trip and that you get home okay.
Hey TBF check this out:
TBF, TSK wanted me to make sure you knew that the "you know what is going on" comment was about work and not the e-tiff's the 2 of you seem to continue to have. She was ready to have you for dinner when my day got shot.
TMS - Sorry I didn't call you back on Monday night. I was kind of suffering from a cold during the week, and I didn't feel like going out anymore at 7:00. We'll get together the next time I come to Chicago. Tell TSK..thanks. I'll be looking forward to her pot roast the next time I come over.
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