Oui, mes amis (how's that for only a year of French lessons?), the alarm went off at 3:45 a.m. (OUCH!) on Friday morning, and we caught the 6:40 a.m., easyJet flight to Paris where we spent the weekend:
walking some more...
eating a lot more...
enjoying our favorite room in our favorite hotel of all time...
shopping a surprisingly small amount...
walking some more...
and, oh yeah...eating even more...
As is usually the case on a Monday morning aprés le bon weekend (Sacre bleu, I'm practically French!), I've spent the morning cleaning King's mess (I thought I told you 'no parties while we're gone!'), doing laundry, and listening to my stomach growl as it wonders what it's done to deserve going from a diet of 5,000 calories per day back to its weekly, minimalist Weight Watchers fare.
I'll post a lot of pictures a little later. But first, I have to go to the gym to begin working off my weekend poignées de l'amour!
GLH and I are planning a Paris trip not long after we move in January. Which hotel has your favorite room in your favorite hotel of all time? High praise indeed!
That's okay, I've had more french lessons than you and I'm already forgetting the passee compose tenses of avoir and etre! How's that one...
Lovely photo. I remember taking a photo like that too back in 2001 with my disposable...
Eating too... Ah a mini vacation.
Ahhh. Vive la France! Have fun wirking off the "poignées d'amour", although, wait a minute. They're there for a good reason, no?
You must have no idea what time zone you're in at the moment! I've just caught up with your posts and I'm feeling jet-lagged just from figuring it out!
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