In complete contrast to this morning, I had the opposite problem last Saturday night/Sunday morning - I couldn't stay awake...
Last weekend was a rare "just the three of us" weekend and Mrs. TBF said she'd cook whatever I wanted for dinner. My Saturday request was Japanese. More specifically, sushi and sukiyaki.
I somehow managed to stumble to the bathroom, pee, brush my teeth, go through my entire skincare regimen, and plop in the little thingamajiggy that keeps me from clenching my teeth. At least I think I did all those things - my memory is kind of hazy. I also managed to put moisturizer on my hands AND put on my sleeping gloves. Then, I slept until 10 a.m. That's right...a total of TWELVE HOURS OF SLEEP!!!
Oh, and YES...I wear gloves when I sleep so that my hands are nice and soft when I wake up. The gloves are pink and have little ruffles on the wrists. What about it?
The next night, it was King's turn to have sleep issues...
I guess I fed him too much tongue.
Let's just say that King had litter box issues on Sunday night. He'd use his box and then run around the apartment howling. Then, he'd beat up on one of his toys for awhile, carry it around, and howl some more. This went on all night. I'm not kidding, the beast must have woken us up ten times.
So, my sleep recap for those of you keeping score at home:
Saturday night - abnormal
Sunday night - abnormal
Monday night - normal
Tuesday night - abnormal
I've been noticing lately that I often wake up between 4 and 5 a.m., although I normally fall back to sleep after about ten minutes.
Is this a sign of old age?
I also wake up around 4 and then go back to sleep. Was interested to read in the NYT Sunday magazine a few months ago that a hundred years ago this used to be the normal way of sleeping, and apparantly still is in some cultures. According to the article, the "8 solid hours" of sleep thing is a recent invention. Not sure how much I buy the argument, but at least it made me feel less anxious about not being able to get those 8 hours in a row like everyone else! Liz
Glad to hear the cookbook worked out (even if the tongue does look disgusting). I was reading this and two of the people listed it as one of their favorites.
This whole thing about the beast and the tongue and the sleep recap was about the funniest thing I have read in ages. You are very funny.
After reading a very dismal blog from some Finn studying medicine this was very refreshing.
naw youre not old, just aging...
JUST KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!
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