I was born in Canada...
I grew up in America...
I lived in Switzerland from 2000 to 2010...
I moved back to the U.S. in 2010...
I'm of 100% Finnish ancestry...
...and, I'm big...I'm The Big Finn!
Check out the daily goings on of TBF and his wife - Mrs. TBF. We do a lot of traveling, hanging out with friends, and just plain...ENJOYING LIFE!
Earlier in the week, I read a blurb in the Chicago Tribune about how "big burly beards" are back in style. Don't believe me? Here's a video:
Later that same day, I happened upon some photos that were taken during a day trip to Liechtenstein on January 26, 2002 (Geez! Has it really been over six years???). At the time, I was the proud owner of my very own BIG, burly beard.
Anyway, I started thinking...
Seeing how big, burly beards are back in style, maybe I should take a few months and grow back another BBB. If I start today, I'll have a really "nice" BBB by the end of May. Hell! Come to think of it, I haven't shaved all week so I already have a head start - the BBB would be in full glory by mid-May. What do YOU think?
In Holland they have an 'interesting' expression to describe that 'BBB' you are sporting in Liechtenstein: "Pratende kut" - Im sure you will find a Dutch speaker to translate :) (and btw - that would be a 'NO' vote
As one who is partially bearded (or at least goateed), I say go for it. If you think the Swiss already stare at you excessively, imagine how much more you'll freak people out on the tram--you might even merit a writeup in Baslerstab or 20 Minuten.
I guess we can deduce how Mrs. TBF feels about this from that first label...
Uhm... Are you sure? Well, it's up to you... and a bit up to Mrs TBF... right?
In Holland they have an 'interesting' expression to describe that 'BBB' you are sporting in Liechtenstein: "Pratende kut" - Im sure you will find a Dutch speaker to translate :) (and btw - that would be a 'NO' vote
What do I think? less is better.. Is that a subtle enough hint?
I think you look a bit scary in that pic with your BBB...
My vote is no no no...
No way, José! I like you better without it and it seems that Mrs. TBF does too. :-) That said, my husband has a beard, but only a smallish, well-trimmed one, NOT a big burly one and he looks way better with than without so it just goes to show you. Or something.
Noooooo! Don't do it. I despise beards. You look so good without it.
(Just my opinion albeit a strong one.)
As one who is partially bearded (or at least goateed), I say go for it. If you think the Swiss already stare at you excessively, imagine how much more you'll freak people out on the tram--you might even merit a writeup in Baslerstab or 20 Minuten.
Sorry, Kirk....
It looks like the "no" votes have won out. I'll remain beardless...at least for the time being.
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