We're all clean and safe here in Basel after our (too short) week in the U.S. I'm happy to be back to see King and our friends, but I would gladly have spent another week in Chicago. But no worries, 'cause I'll be back in Chicago in 71 days.
While I was in Florida, the sun was shining with highs in the upper 70s (25˚C). I wore shorts, a short-sleeved shirt, and flip flops...when I wasn't wearing a bathing suit and swimming in the pool. When I returned to Chicago on Wednesday morning, the temperature was 0˚ (-18˚C) and the snot inside my nose was freezing up each time I inhaled. The next day, Chicago got dumped with 12" of snow.
Maybe it's just me getting older, but I found wintertime Florida to be extremely appealing. But...I also found a certain appeal to driving around Chicago in 12" of snow and sliding all over the place.
Hmmm...which to choose?
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