I put up all of our Christmas decorations yesterday!
Yes, you read that correctly. I - Mr. Scrooge - unpacked all of our Christmas decorations (including this one available at fartmart.com) yesterday and arranged them in whatever places looked good. Not only that, but upon playing Bing Crosby and David Bowie's Little Drummer Boy duet on the iPod just after midnight early Friday morning, I also declared the Christmas music season* officially begun. Our apartment is just oozing holiday cheer.
What the heck has gotten into me??? Am I mellowing in my old age? Who knows?
Mrs. TBF came home from work on Friday evening to a very different apartment from the one she left to go to work in the morning, and she seemed very appreciative. Everything is up except for the tree, and that won't happen until a couple of weeks from now. We had a nice dinner, enjoyed a little wine, went to bed...
...and then she got up at 4:30 this morning in order to catch a 5:45 a.m. taxi to the airport.
Yup, that's right: she's off to the U.S., and she won't be back until next Sunday.
I went with her to airport, saw her off, and then took the bus/tram back home. When I walked in the door at 7 a.m., King was complaining about me not having fed him before we left for the airport.
No appreciation!
I have to say that King has ABSOLUTELY NO HOLIDAY SPIRIT! Although I think he secretly likes the little Christmas bandana we make him wear this time of year.
*day after Thanksgiving until midnight on January 6th (Three Kings Day)
I want a photo of King with the bandana!!!
I agree... I think he would like it too...
As for the music... I don't mind it as long as I don't have to listen to it while I WORK OUT!!! That topped it, horrible... I can be a scrooge that way in that I cannot swim and listen to christmas music..
I'm sure many could agree.. It's just not right to work out to that stuff.. OR is it just me that doesn't get motivated?
I'll work on the bandana picture. Also, my gym always plays Christmas music over the intercom during the holidays. You're right: it's just WRONG for working out. I just listen to my iPod.
Now there's an xmas decoration that everybody needs...
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