I just received an e-mail from Gucci with some gift idea's for Mother's Day.
Here's one of the suggestions from the fine-a people-a at-a Gucci.
So, mom...
Whaddya think?
* For those of you who aren't as
shtreet as me, here's the definition of "
hoochie mama".
LOL! I'm still laughing!
Those wacky Italians.
Well, sure I could give my mother those shoes, but...I mean, orange? I'd have to also get a pantsuit to match.
Yeah I'm sure every 60 year old mom wants a pair! lol
I work for World Radio Switzerland, the national public radio (part of SRG SSR idée suisse) for anglophones and anglophiles in Switzerland.
We want to start up a new programme called Blogwatch. Once a day, at around 13.45 we will call a Swiss based blogger to talk to them about what they are writing about this week (the chat would be weekly... (. Naturally we thought of you as one potential blogger/chatter.
Would you be interested?
Requirements: a 3 to 5 minute conversation one afternoon a week. We really would have to be able to commit to speaking every week. I don't know how that fits with your job as a stay at home dad...
Benefits to us: your pretty unique perspective on Swiss and global events.
Benefits to you: hopefully driving traffic to your website, etc...
Don't hesitate to call me if you need any further information.
Hope this sounds interesting to you,
Best regards,
Delphine Sage
Production Assistant
World Radio Switzerland
2 Passage de la Radio
1205 Genève
+41 22 708 74 38
Thanks for the offer, Delphine, but I'll take a pass.
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