I had just moved to Wheeling, Illinois a couple of months earlier in June 1969. My neighbor, Bob Nuenfeldt, and I were talking on walkie-talkies when all of a sudden we heard this voice cut in to our conversation...
"Who is this?"
It was Carl, who just happened to have his walkie-talkie on. See? He was even an electronic gadget guy back then!
It turned out that Bob and Carl knew each other from first grade, so Bob and I ended up walking to Carl's house which was one street over from my house. I was just shy of seven years old.
And isn't it a small world? Carl's mom is from Finland! What are the odds??

You think that's bad? A few years later, my sister actually fell for my dad's just-let-me-tie-this-piece-of-thread-around-your-tooth-and-this-doorknob-no-I-won't-do-anything...
God, she was a dork back then!!
Today, Carl told me that his father, Bruce (greetings to you, Bruce!), checks out my blog on a regular basis.
Who knew?
Well, certainly not me since Bruce has never left a comment. For that matter... neither has Carl.
Come on, guys. Leave a comment.
I dare ya!
Not only did I have the tie, but I also know the 7 herbs and spices.
wow.... very cool story. I've got a friend that I still keep in touch with for most of my life still too..
Here is the man-chair info:
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