Organizing things is definitely on my short list of favorite things to do to pass the time. Seriously...I can spend hours rearranging shelves in order to arrive at perfect organizational harmony. Feng Shui of me! Oh, and by the way, are there any Chinese readers out there who can verify that it is really pronounced "fung shway"? I was once corrected by a really stuck-up interior designer (and...if you ask me...interior designers are a dime a dozen and there's no justification for being stuck up...), and I'd love to be able to come back in the future with a ", actually, my Chinese friend says it is, in fact, really pronounced 'feng shweee'. Put that in the wooden bowl of green apples you put on every coffee table, AND CRAM IT!!!!!"
Now...where was I?

Oh yeah...I've been spending the past couple of days throwing stuff out, buying storage containers, combining two cabinet shelves worth of stuff into one, shredding old financial records, moving things from one shelf to another, hauling crap down to the storage unit, reorganizing the storage unit, etc., etc., etc. And, I'm having a blast! I have everything so compartmentalized into storage containers that I honestly think that someday in the future when it's time to move again that the movers will be able to pack up our house in a couple of hours.
I feel like my work is almost done. However, there is one large obstacle which stands between me and organizational nirvana - Dominique's crate/kennel.

For those of you who don't know, Dominique was our Dalmation who left us for Doggy Heaven (sniff!) about 17 months ago. This is the crate we used to fly Dominique from Chicago to Switzerland nearly six years ago. It's been sitting in our storage unit (with the exception of being borrowed by Diagnostic Dave for a short time) taking up A LOT of space pretty much since we moved to our current apartment over 18 months ago. This thing is HUGE! I mean, I'd fit inside of it for god's sake. It's taking up my valuable storage unit floor space, and it's time for the crate to find a new home.
So, to my local readers, if you know of anybody who could use a FREE, like brand new, dog kennel that is large enough for a St. Bernard or Great Dane (...I went a little overboard six years ago!), let me know.
I sense peace and harmony just around the corner. Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......
Thanks TBF, but I think Dale - although he's big - will feel a bit lost in there. Thoughts to Dominique!
organizing. Wishing I would do more of that! At least you are making great use of your time!
In Swedish, we pronounce feng shui like your Chinese friend does. Which ought to prove your Chinese friend to be right. :P
Actually if you would bring it back with you on your return trip to USA we would gladly give it a home. I know you said only local readers, but if you get desperate... BTW TSK thinks you have deleted comments from her. I do not think so, because blogger leaves an entry that says that the comment has been deleted. She is trying to get under your skin and did, but please,now, "can't we all get along?"
TMS - It would cost WAY too much to bring it back as checked luggage on a commercial airline. I'm just going to give it away here. If all else fails, I'll just bring it to the charity shop and they can sell it.
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