Last year, I made the executive decision to throw out all our Christmas lights. They had been through seven Christmases, and I decided that we were beginning to press our luck. Believe me, the last thing I (or ESPECIALLY Mrs. TBF) would want would be for a strand of lights to go out on the tree after the thing was covered in a tangle of lights and ornaments. I decided to eliminate the potential of anything triggering one of my infamous yuletide cussfests (so far, none this year), so I threw out the lights - ALL of 'em.
Zip ahead to this year...
It was when I was unpacking all our decorations that I noticed that we no longer had lights for the tree. An ember of memory from last year was still glowing somewhere in the deep recesses of my brain, and I realized that I was going to have to go out and buy new lights.
You know what? Christmas lights are expensive in Switzerland. A fifty meter (a little over 150') strand cost about CHF 100. That's equivalent to about 90 dollars in the U.S. at today's exchange rate. But don't blink, the way the dollar is going, it'll probably be equal to about $120 by the time the holidays are over!
The main issue, however, wasn't the money. NO! The big question was what kind of lights to buy.
Mrs. TBF grew up with all white lights on her Christmas trees...
I grew up with lights of mixed colors...
Mrs. TBF told me to get whatever I wanted...
I...bought...ORANGE LIGHTS!!!
Orange just happens to be my favorite color.
I like!
Gosh, that is awfully expensive for lights... a string of lights here in British Columbia, Canada goes for $6.00.
But the tree does look very pretty. I like the orange lights as well, gives off a really pretty warm glow!
The Rocky Mountain Retreat
Damn you, TBF! We were talking about an orange tree next year and you beat us to it! You ruined our Christmas 2008!! *sobbing*
*sniff* ... BTW, I guess we have to start savin' up for the decorations, right?
White...definitely white.
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