No, not because I'm going to go see them. I'm not.
No! The reason I can't wait for them to come to Basel is that it means that they'll also soon (January 11, 2009) be leaving Basel, and then...

Sheesh! It's been on billboards, buses, trams, and every other place I've set my eyes since the start of this year, and...I'M TIRED OF THIS STINKIN' POSTER!!!
There is one thing I do like about it though...

...wasn't dead?
Well, we're going to see them. It's my B'day present to OX. It should be a pretty good show. I'll let you know how it was. After that, a nice Indian dinner. Heh :)
I thought you were going to say blue because of our Cubbies...sigh....
Anyway, when they were in Berlin, they posted the signs on the streets so you could walk over them and my 2 1/2 year old would always run over to them and start dancing on their blue heads. It was HILARIOUS! So in that respect, I guess I do kind of miss them. :)
OMG!!! BOB DENVER is DEAD?!! WAHHHH!!!!! Maybe I knew this but I had forgotten... My, time flies... Tony Curtis is still living, though!! Hey... These guys came to France not too long ago and it urked me, too, for some reason... Maybe the same reason it bugged you... Anyhow... I feel that way about a film that coming out... about George W. Bush.. George W. and I have to look at that FRICKIN' poster everywhere I go... I think it was directed/produced by two French guys- not the one by Oliver Stone.... Take care.. Leesa
yelli - You had to do it, didn't you? You had to go and remind me about the Cubbies. Aaargh!
Gilligan is dead???? Since I moved to the outback no one tells me anything any more. :-(
The blue sign is really creepy.
I would have though that you would have tried out to be a Blue've got the shaved head and all!
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