Friday, April 24, 2009

Needing To See The Light...

Crystal Light, that is!

I just drank my last Crystal Light "Skin essentials". All I can say is: "T'ank Got I'll be back in Chicago in less denn two weeks so I can stock up on Crystal Light."

In the meantime, where the hell am I supposed to get my antioxidant vitamins & plant extracts to help nourish my skin???? Where?, I ask you!!!!!

Skin emergency, people!!!!


Mrs. TBF said...

This reminds me of the day you announced..."I to be getting into skin care."

The Big Finn said...

Do you mean: "I think I'm going to be getting into skin care."?

Michael Lehet said...

Had I known I would have brought you some!

The Big Finn said...

Michael - I'm going to be in Chicago next week anyway, and I figured I'd just pick it up then. Thanks.