I'm proud to say that I managed to clean my plates. Mrs. TBF did a respectable job of completing about half of her meal. Normally, I would finish off Mrs. TBF's food, but I was absolutely stuffed. Here's how the table looked when we were done eating just before being rolled out the door.

Fortunately for us, we managed to walk several miles around Vienna taking in the sights. That means that we probably worked off about 10% of the calories that we consumed at lunch.
ah don't feel guilty, you know everyone else is probably over eating too. :)
King says Merry Christmas and where is his pressie.
At least I think that is what he said between mouthfuls.
Good news, no hairballs yet.
Looks like a meal that I'd finish in 3 portions! We'll be going to the a restaurant belonging to Steirereck outside Viena next week. Really looking forwward to it after reading your previous post. Merry Christmas to you and Mrs TBF! DO enjoy the good life!
Take care of our little buddy. We already have a present for him that we procured in Vienna - a gold string that was used to tie up the bag of cookies our hotel gave us as a Christmas gift. That'll be hours of amusement for the little guy. Aren't we big spenders???
OMG those are HUGE! I know they're only an 1/8 of an inch thick but still...
So literally, it was bigger than your head!
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