I set up my camera with the Gorilla Pod to take a low-light picture without a flash since flash pictures were forbidden. Unfortunately, I didn't notice on the sign that tripods were also forbidden. I set up the pod on a marble column, snapped the panoramic view of the church, and then this total bitch-a-rini came over and started ranting something about "no tripods...no tripods!!!!" "I'm not using my flash!", I said. "No tripods...NO TRIPODS!!!!!!!!!!!!!" What the Hell is that??? I'm only allowed to take pictures in dim lighting, without a flash, and without a tripod??? In other words, I'm only allowed to take pictures that will end up being blurry?
Well fine! You say NO TRIPOD!!!!??? Then, no tripod it will be!
I took off the tripod, set the camera flat on it's back, and took a picture of the dome!
That'll show that strunzoni!
Perhaps she thought it resembled Satan's trident a bit too much.
The whole tripod thingee lent itself to a double entendre of questionable moral righteousness.
She was afraid that your true intention in using the tripod was to take upskirt shots of unsuspecting passersby.
She just plain doesn't like guys with soul patches.
But it's a GORILLA POD, not a nrmal tripod. You should have made that clear to her. ;-) Great shots anyway.
We have got to get a Gorilla Pod... Remind us where you ordered yours from?
yeah I'd like to know that info myself - I need to find a gorilla pod too for that big @#$ camera of mine...
That's my philosophy as well....I'll take pictures until someone tells me to stop and then I'll play blonde.
Check out this SITE for a great alternative to a tripod.
To all who are interested...
Michael originally gave me the tip on the Gorilla Pod. You can buy one at www.gorillapod.com.
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