I've never really been able to keep straight which one I'm supposed to feed and which one I'm supposed to starve, so I just decided that it's easier to avoid confusion by feeding both of 'em.
Mrs. TBF discovered with horror that her cellphone was useless (although she definitely tried) due to the lack of any signal whatsoever. Actually, the hotel was in the middle of a forest, but there was really nothing around except for a bunch of trees and an absolutely FANTASTIC restaurant that is conveniently located directly across the street from the hotel; the main reason for the trip.
After arriving, we all had a little cheese and champagne on our balcony, and then Mark and Lisa decided to go for a walk through the woods. I was feeling tired (probably already coming down with my man-cold at that point), so I just told them that I'd take a pass and lie down for a little while. My head hit the pillow, and the next thing I knew, Mrs. TBF was waking me up and telling me that I had been sleeping for over two hours.
The weekend pretty much went like this:
drive to hotel...
12-course dinner extravaganza with great wines...
a good night's sleep...
great breakfast...
drive back home (where Mrs. TBF managed to get reconnected to the world via her "crack"-berry!)...
We really had a great time, and I think we're going to have to do more of this going-away-for-one-night-to-stay-at-a-nice-hotel-and-eat-at-a-great-restaurant thing.
The next day, Mrs. TBF left for her business trip, and I began feeling a cough-due-to-cold coming on right after I left the gym on Monday afternoon. That was the last time I was at the gym - one week ago. One great thing about a cold is that it pretty much gives me an excuse to completely blow-off any sort of fitness regimen (even though I could probably manage to still workout if I really wanted to).
But that's not the worst of it...
Not only did I not workout at all last week, but I ended up over-eating at Andy and Di's house on Tuesday AND Wednesday nights. Mrs. TBF returned home on Thursday, so we ate at home that night. But then we overate at John and Rammy's house on Friday night, again at Andy and Di's house on Saturday night, and then I gorged on a great Easter dinner that Mrs. TBF (with a little help from me) prepared yesterday. Tonight, we'll have some Easter leftovers to complete my week-plus gorging with nary a trace of exercise.
You know? Having a cold isn't all that bad; except for, of course, my head feeling like it's a big bag full of snot!
1 comment:
Hey TBF- Hope you get better soon- I had my crud for over a month and it was HORRIBLE- I hadn't been sick in over a year and a half so it hit me pretty hard. I hated the "Snot Factor" that wouldn't go away until I went back for the second time to my doc and took some diff. meds... UGG!! That was already after a whole month of being sick... My husband didn't get sick, so hopefully Mrs. TBF won't either! Take care and feed your cold/fever!
It's feed a cold, sarve a fever, I think ... usually when you have a fever you don't really have an appetite, anyhow! Ciao- Leesa
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