I'm not sure how you say "citizen's arrest" in German, but I'm living in fear of a Swiss citizen arresting me today. You see, I'm about to break the law - or at least I think I am.
If you'll remember, I recently brought the Jeep in for rather expensive service (BTW...which ended up costing close to 2,500 CHF!). At that time, I was told by a technician that the "...profile of your tires is not sufficient for driving in snow."

If you don't hear from me for the next couple of days, it probably means that I'm in the Basel jail - which, incidentally, I have come to find out is only minutes away from where we live (more about that on a future post!).
Wish me luck!
Good luck!
I'm afraid of thebill I'll be getting. My 12 (!!!) year old car started screeching in tight cuves so I had to change my shaft drive (if that's the english term for it - I started driving in Switzerland!) and it's going to cost me a third of what my car's still worth, so don't complain! ;-)
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