Mrs. TBF and I took off the ornaments and lights this evening, and there were needles everywhere! I don't know how I'm going to get this thing out of the apartment without making a total mess of things.
I was born in Canada... I grew up in America... I lived in Switzerland from 2000 to 2010... I moved back to the U.S. in 2010... I'm of 100% Finnish ancestry... ...and, I'm big...I'm The Big Finn! Check out the daily goings on of TBF and his wife - Mrs. TBF. We do a lot of traveling, hanging out with friends, and just plain...ENJOYING LIFE!
The last time I had a tree we bought this huge garbage bag that you roll down and put under the tree and hide with a "skirt" then (well the idea goes) that you just pull the bag up and over and no mess.
It wasn't "no mess" but it was less mess.
I like Michael's idea. I could suggest the no mess alternative - a fake tree. But then again, I don't see why one would have a tree if it isn't real. Or you could do like Christina and save your tree outside while having the fake tree inside as she is alergic to the trees. Mine's an even easier clean up - what happened to the tree?
I am very happy with our tree this year! We always kept it full of water and it continued to "consume" water all the way to the end. I am proud to say that we were probably the first house on our block to put a tree out in the street for pickup yesterday!!! - Perry
We're planning to take ours out this weekend. Maybe I should just stand there with the vacuum cleaner :)
I'm not sure the bag thing would work here, since you pay for trash collection by volume! I think the garbage men would have an aneurysm if they saw a bag that big. (But it's definitely a good idea at home--I seem to remember doing something similar.)
Kirk - what do they do put your garbage on a scale before they put it in the truck? I guess that's one way to really make you think about something before you throw it out!
We have different sized garbage bags that we buy at our local grocery store - 17 liters, 35 liters, 60 liters, and 110 liters - with corresponding stickers that we buy at the post office. If you fail to put the proper sticker on the correct garbage bag, the garbage men will LEAVE THE BAG in the dumpster. Furthermore, they'll cut open the bag and look for evidence of address so that they can fine you for your error. God bless Switzerland!!!!
Ummmm.... can't you put the tree out on "garden cuttings" day? That was what I'm assuming, so ours has been parked on our balcony for close to a week now, awaiting the day the garden guys come. Or the day our hauswarting has a fit about it, whichever comes first.
Rebecca - I guess I could...if I actually knew which day "garden cuttings' day is. I ended up just cutting the tree into small pieces, and I put it in one of those big landscape bags that you can buy at OBI. I'm going to bring it to the dump on Wednesday.
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