Jo is back in Basel for the fifth time! Who is Jo?
Jo (a.k.a Jo Mama) is Mrs. TBF's mom, and I picked her up at Zurich Airport on Thursday morning which required me to get up at the insane time of 6:00 a.m.! Every time I pick her up at the airport, she always tells me that she'll take the train to Basel from the airport "THE NEXT TIME"! However, whenever "THE NEXT TIME" is coming up and I bring up "the train", all I hear over the phone is the sound of nervous fretting. So, I end up making the trek from Basel to Zurich Airport - speeding cameras be damned! Then, when I actually see Jo lugging a huge suitcase, I'm glad I picked her up instead of making her take the train. "Hey Jo, what the Hell d'ya have in this suitcase...ROCKS?", I ask. Her response is her trademarked, "Noooooooooooooooooooooo!". One of my favorite games during her visits is how many times per hour I can get her to blurt out one of her "Noooooooooooooooo!" protests. She's been here for over 48 hours now, and I've already lost count.
When we arrived back at the apartment, I saw one of the reasons why she needed such a big suitcase. Isn't getting older a bitch? My God...
look at all those pills. Jo: The pharmaceutical industry would like to personally thank YOU for its exponential growth over the past few years.
On Friday, we had to drive over
to GĂ©ant for some natural pharmaceuticals. You always know when Jo is in town because the
Jus de Pruneaux is prominently displayed in our refrigerator.
I just read this post to Jo...."NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
I just want to go on record to say that Jo was not happy about TBF's mention of her need for Jus de Pruneaux...but she is a good sport.
Haha - that was funny for sure! I guess you guys are busy galavanting around. :)
Does your family have a series of things they must have when they come to visit besides Geant? Whenever my mom or my mother in law comes to visit, we have a circuit of stores that have to be visited. Very tiring.
For sure...my mom would be happy with any "grocery stores of the world" type activity for any reason.
Sis-in-law enjoys real french roquefort cheese from Geant and the Merkur chocolate shop. Our friend Tom enjoys the Pfyffe Laade tobacco shop in Basel. Everyone has their "thing" I guess.
Hey, we're all going to need Jus de Pruneaux some time or other - nothing to be ashamed of. :-)
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