She came home Saturday morning from a three-day trip to the U.S. If it had been me, I would have been totally jet-lagged for at least...oh...three days. Mrs. TBF? Nope! She asked me what I wanted for dinner, she prepared a shopping list, and off into town we went...
Sure, Mrs. TBF had a short afternoon nap after we returned home, but by 8:00 we were sitting down to a great cioppino dinner. As per usual, I felt something rubbing my leg.
For the record: King likes cioppino too.
Looks incredible to me! Props to Mrs TBF for so much energy. It must be all that home cooking that does you guys well...
King totally reminds me of our 6 months or so old rascal Spunk. He's so funny and has learned his name and popped a huge ball today too...
Good thing he isn't into eating people food yet, but he sure does rule the dog.
I just noticed that I'm reflexively protecting the "family jewels" from King's razor-like claws.
Looks wonderful! It seems to me that Mrs. TBF rocks! And King is a cutie.
Can't blame you for trying, buddy! I'd do the same!
Your cat is such a beast! He looks like the type to "sample" from the plate...
Do you think King could find the time in his busy mooching-from-the-table schedule to type out the recipe for that delicious looking cioppino for us?
Mrs. TBF,
Would you ever consider leaving TBF and becoming Mrs. TSK?
Remember Menstrual Chili?
ok - I'm so ready for another photo... By the way, I finally got P to take a photo with me without bribery!
I'm Back Bloggers...after all the travelling and then I got a new laptop which was not set to pick up our home wireless until now. I need to create a way to post recipes without typing them. Any ideas out there.
TSK - Naughty girl!
TMS - How could I forget?
TBF....you really need to be writing afew books here....a travel book,a restaurant book,an adventure book and a life book!!!!Fabulous reads!!!!!This is your old neighbor "ehh!!!!!
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