Why yes, I believe the exact words were:
Can you post a pic of your pizza stone?? I have never heard of one before...Thanks!I'm happy to oblige.
A couple of months ago, while a pizza was baking in our oven, Mrs. TBF and I walked into the kitchen and suddenly heard a loud CRACKKKK! We immediately realized that it was our old pizza stone which had waited for us to return to the room to look at us one last time before meeting its demise. How touching!
Out with the old and in with the new...
How long is that?
I have no idea. Mrs. TBF was apparently born with some kind of Italian sixth sense that allows her to just tap the crust and know the exact moment when the pizza is ready.
So, what do you use to get the pizza off the stone when it's done?
I make a pizza with Asian chili sauce, chicken breast, onion and mozzarella. Try it, you'll like it. Never thought of using our pizza stone on the grill. Great idea!
Mmmm. That looks like pesto, cheese and pine nuts. BTW: Which cheese does she use here?
Greg - Mrs. TBF uses a wooden pizza peel (sp: peal?).
TSK - I noticed that our Weber pizza stone is at least twice as thick as our old oven pizza stone was. You might need to get a special one for the BBQ. This stone is about 3/4".
CS - Mrs. TBF uses either Scarmoza or the non-smoked mozzarella from Manor. It's not the buffalo mozzarella that's in the liquid, but the drier form; a ball wrapped in plastic that you can actually grate.
Thanks TBF, now I know what one is!! You sure look as though you are enjoying your pizza!!! Speaking of "smoked cheese" - can you find different varieties there in Suisse?? I can't find ANY here in France... also, the mozzerlla you speak of cannot be found very easily either... Maybe, I'm just not looking in the right stores... Anyhow.. Bon Ap!!! --Leese
Did Mrs. TBF find the wooden pizza peel here in Switzerland? I've been looking for one for awhile without success here. Got any suggestions as to where I should look?
Greg - She bought it in the U.S.; probably at Williams-Sonoma.
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