While I'm enjoying the fact that dusk lasts pretty late into the night, I'm still hoping that I'll get to experience some typical, rainy Scottish weather - at least at some point.
I haven't felt even one drop of rain since we arrived in Scotland.
I was born in Canada... I grew up in America... I lived in Switzerland from 2000 to 2010... I moved back to the U.S. in 2010... I'm of 100% Finnish ancestry... ...and, I'm big...I'm The Big Finn! Check out the daily goings on of TBF and his wife - Mrs. TBF. We do a lot of traveling, hanging out with friends, and just plain...ENJOYING LIFE!
What an awesome shot! I'll gladly send you over some of this Vancouver rain any day of the week...
Funny that I had the same experience with the UK weather as you have. 9/10 times we had clear, sunny skies. But since we're missin' some of that over here, just make sure you take some of that untypical, sunshiny weather back home with you!
That photo is awesome!
The missus is a hottie.
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