Let's look at the numbers...
The nutritional information states that each egg contains:
2.3 grams of fiber...That shouldn't be too many Weight Watchers points, right?
310 calories...
20.6 grams of fat!
I was born in Canada... I grew up in America... I lived in Switzerland from 2000 to 2010... I moved back to the U.S. in 2010... I'm of 100% Finnish ancestry... ...and, I'm big...I'm The Big Finn! Check out the daily goings on of TBF and his wife - Mrs. TBF. We do a lot of traveling, hanging out with friends, and just plain...ENJOYING LIFE!
2.3 grams of fiber...That shouldn't be too many Weight Watchers points, right?
310 calories...
20.6 grams of fat!
7 points...
Since I only get 23 points per day, I think I shall be skipping the Scottish eggs!
When is yous guyses coming home?
i'm sure you ate it slowly right?
michael - I try to stick to chewing each mouthful 30 times before swallowing. However, I think I may have failed in this case.
And you haven't tried that famous Glasgow delicacy, the deep-fried Mars Bar? I believe it's only 8623 Weight Watcher's points.
hb8 - One of my disappointments during this trip was that I never found any place that served this kind of stuff. As a matter of fact, I couldn't find a chip shop of any kind. I ended up having fish and chips at our hotel in Loch Lomond.
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