Saturday, June 07, 2008

A Wee Dram...

We were offered a couple of "wee drams" of whisky upon arrival at our hotel in Glasgow this afternoon. We weren't ready for them at that time, but we took the hotel up on its offer a little later that afternoon by enjoying a couple of quaichs of Scotland's best.

Around 7 p.m., we decided to head down to the hotel bar for a pre-dinner cocktail. The bar was a bit crowded, so the bartender suggested we have a seat in the Whisky Bar. Imagine my delight when I discovered that the hotel stocked several hundred different whiskies.

You know what they say: hundreds of wee drams are better than one.


Jul said...

Mmmmm... yummy. I must make it to Scotland someday.

CanadianSwiss said...

Hmmm. Was the shaky effect on that first photo of Mrs. TBF maybe caused by a wee dram to many?? ;)

The Big Finn said...

cs - Nope...100% sober. I just got fancy using my slow synchro effect.