So what did I eat? Here's a sampling: Hooters' chicken wings, ribs, pizza, Italian beef (BTW...doesn't exist in Italy!), Polish sausage and Goose Island beer (happy Sal?), Saganaki and other Greek stuff (in recognition of the fact that Mrs. TBF was in Athens for part of the time that I was in Chicago), a ribeye steak the size of a baseball mit, Mexican food galore, etc., etc. Plus, I think that martinis and margaritas are still coming out of my pores.
Also, I've spent the last week spending more of Mrs. TBF's hard earned money on clothes. I came to Chicago with two practically empty suitcases and a carry-on, and...I'm going back home with two "ready-to-burst" suitcases and a heavy carry-on. I'll wear the sportcoat and raincoat I bought because they won't fit into the suitcases. I counted, and I'll be going home with TWENTY-FIVE shirts that I didn't have when I came here. That's right...25!!! A lot of 'em are just Gap t-shirts, but still impressive nonetheless. I hope all the clothes still fit. Furthermore, I hope customs doesn't check the bag with the shirts because I think I'd have a hard time explaining that one.
Customs Man: "Vaat about all zeez shirts?"I'll talk to you when I'm back in Basel....lots-o-pictures taken with my new camera!
TBF: "Ummmm...I'm a heavy sweater? Yeah...that's right, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it!"
Yeah...I AM happy. Thanks for letting me live vicariously.
Boy...if Mrs. TBF thought your breathe was powerful after Prague, imagine her reaction after a Maxwell Street Polish.
Glad you had a good time. It's hard not to in Chicago.
yeah I never got the "Italian Beef" thing either...it seems to only live in Chicago. It grosses me out though when they dip the bun in the juice.....ugh!
very interesting.... guess you got some good deals too.
We enjoyed a great dinner with TBF with our boys on Monday night. We were part of his gorge. We had Mexican food and it was fantastic! I want you to know that I just finished the doggy bag we brought home about 10 minutes ago. I am as uncomfortably full as I was Monday. I must comment on TBFs size. He is officially smaller than me. I cannot believe it or truly accept it. He has me by 8 pounds. I will begin immediately (ok after the doggy bag)to lose some weight. I think Weight Watchers must be the right way to go.
Anyway it was great to see TBF as we go way back. I am going to remain The Medium Swede, but I do so with shame........
Wow! You sure were busy there (amongst other things, shopping). Tell us all about it!
Chicago sounds like THE place to be. Can't wait to see the pictures.
Would you believe that the last time we came into the country through Zurich we actually got asked by the customs guys what we bought? Thankfully, this was coming back from Thailand where we really hadn't bought anything of value... and thankfully it has never happened on a trip back from the US. The last time I came back from the US I had two suitcases full of new purchases (maternity clothes and baby junk to be exact). Phew, that was lucky. Hope your luck has continued as well.
25 Shirts? Is it a fetisch or something?
I don't get it, you live in Europe and shop your clothes in Chicago!
Oh...I think I got it now; you are so damn fat that your size - tent - is only available in the good ol' U.S. of A. Watch that ticker, man!
Ah, the Finlander makes another one of his tactful comments.
Michael - If you want to order your Italian beef that way, you usually have to specify "dipped".
ET - Now that I think about it, I don't think I got any deals. Yup...don't remember one thing being on sale.
TMS - It was good seeing you and the family also.
CS & Christina - gettin' to it...
Gretchen - Yes...the luck continued.
Karen - No fetish. After losing all the weight, I basically needed to replace my whole wardrobe. All my old stuff was XXL, and now it was way too big.
Finlander - My size is more like "pup tent" now instead of "tent". I used to be an XXL, and now I'm either an XL or a large. Also, the ticker is good - normal blood pressure, working out at the gym four times per week, 40 minutes on the eliptical trainer each time... Thanks for you concern, and thanks for stopping by.
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