The verdict? Prague now ranks up there as one of my favorite cities in Europe. It's incredibly scenic, the people are friendly, the food and drink are excellent (Mrs. TBF thought I reeked of garlic when I arrived at home!), the service is good, and it's incredibly cheap when compared to Switzerland.
I'm still kind of groggy after my nine-hour sleep, so I'll post a lot more about it later. However, for now, here are a couple of pictures...
Looks like you had a fun night out with the guys. I hear Progue is a beautiful city. Oh, and can you tell me which country isn't cheap compared to Switzerland?? Ok. Tokyo maybe.
We went to Prague several years ago and it was 90+ degrees and so full of sunburned German tourists that we were shoulder-to-shoulder walking across the Charles Bridge. I'd really like to go back at a quieter time because what we could see through the crowds was beautiful.
CS -- for what it's worth, my Japanese colleagues insist that living in Switzerland is more expensive than Tokyo. Maybe London is more expensive, though?
Kirk...ouch. And I bet there was a considerable amount of body oder in the air.
CS - I also vote central London as most expensive and I think that's due to the cost of housing. For a vacation though I would guess Tokyo is more expensive. But...we'll see...TBF and I hope to go to Japan some time next year.
Mrs. TBF-
oder = "but" in German
odor = stank
Also...no disrespect to our Czech friends intended, but MAN your cuisine contains a lot of garlic!!!!! Mrs. TBF told me this morning that my breath still smelled like garlic.
TBF - april and may are great times to go to Prague because there aren't a ton of tourists yet. So kirk is right, but I'm sure he went there after april.
Food is so cheap for sure (spent a month there). You just need to go out of the city center. Garlic? Well if you order loads of pasta and pizza you'll get that. The normal salads rock!
And to think I took a 16 hour train ride to get there and back a month later. I'm wishing easy jet went there back then!
Mrs. TBF - Sorry...oder="or" in English.
aber = "but" in English.
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