Sunday, August 07, 2005

The Big Boy Grill...

Mrs. TBF and I - along with John, Rammy, and Oliver - went over to Andy, Di, Sam, and Alie's house last night for a nice crown roasted pork prepared on Andy's Big Boy Grill. We call it that because Andy used to have this really small Weber knock-off that was...well...kind of a wuss grill. But now, Andy can hold his head up high while BBQing on the real deal: an authentic Weber kettle grill.
I managed to capture this beautiful father/son moment while Andy showed his son Sam the fine art of grilling animal flesh to mouth-watering perfection. What could be more American (even though it's taking place in Switzerland).
Andy's got THE grill. Now, we have to get to work on that lawn.

1 comment:

Michael Lehet said...

Baby don't want to freak him out.