Monday, May 15, 2006

Now You See Her...

...and now you don't.
I picked Mrs. TBF up at Basel Airport yesterday afternoon. Yup, she was gone for a week. I never like when she's away, but a whole week...sheesh! Fortunately, I stayed busy getting the garden ready, going to German conversation class, painting class, and a million other minor tasks that consume my waking hours. Plus, there was the added bonus of being invited to dinner at Andy and Di's house on Friday night ( was Di and the kids since Andy didn't get back from Copenhagen until after midnight!) and John and Rammy's house on Saturday night. Oh yeah...I ate well while Mrs. TBF was away.

On the way home from the airport yesterday afternoon, Mrs. TBF said, " remember that I'm going to Nyon tomorrow...right?". "Um...yeah...I guess I remember", I stuttered (I didn't really!). I have to admit, that her going away again threatened to put a damper on the evening. However, we managed to enjoy a sunny evening in the garden, eat a light dinner, and then enjoy a rooftop fire before Mrs. TBF ran out of gas. I can't really remember when she went to bed - something like 10:30 p.m. I went to bed at midnight, woke up the next morning, and then drove Mrs. TBF to the train station. Now she's gone again.
I just spoke with her a little while ago while she was having dinner with some colleagues in Geneva. For some reason, it bothers me more when she's away on business a couple of hours away rather than overseas. Oh least she'll be home tomorrow evening. Then, it'll be only four days until we go away on a 5-day "holiday" (...Medium Swede: Are you cringing?) to Corsica! Plus, after we get home from Corsica, I think Mrs. TBF doesn't go back to work for four more days!
I guess we'll be seeing a lot of each other then!


Anonymous said...


That fire looks great! I want to come back to Basel so we can smoke cigars and drink expensive rum by the fire. I'll have to work on the wife...


The Big Finn said...

Whaddya mean "work on the wife"??? Just buy the tickets and tell her to pack a bag. Just remind her that there's a lot of chocolate in Switzerland. MMMMM...SWISS CHOCOLATE!!!!

Bobby The C said...

5 day holiday is fine. It would be the phrase, "going on holiday." It is either going on a holiday or preferably going on vacation. A holiday is a nationally recognized day such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, Mother's day etc... Don't pretend you don't know what I mean.

The Big Finn said...

TMS - FYI...what you are referring to as a holiday is referred to as a "bank" holiday by the Brits.

CanadianSwiss said...

Ohhh! I'm sure you'll love it. Where on Corsica will you be again? You might see a couple of stars. We ate 2 tables away from Michael Caine when we were there. You'll love the "small boats" these people have anchored there!

Kirk said...

Mrs TBF has that great I-just-got-off-a-plane-and-am-feeling-jetlagged-so-don't-f&*k-with-me look that I know all too well...

Unknown said...

Yeah you'll be there right after or still during the cannes film fest so you might see some stars... I'm so jealous because I want to travel and well I'm not for a long while...

Having said that my cousin's parents live in puerto vec. I totally forget the spelling of it, on the southern tip. The photos looked great and it is of interest to visit one day.

I'm sure you'll make us all want to go there when you report back!